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For the construction of floating offshore wind and solar farm in the Adriatic Sea, the Port of Ravenna will serve as the operational base. This port, currently undergoing expansion, is home to world-leading companies in offshore operations.

All these companies are grouped into an association called ROCA (Ravenna Offshore Contractor Association).
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ROCA members cover all activities required for oil companies: design, construction, installation and maintenance.
The Port of Ravenna has equipped yards (storage parks) to construct platforms that are distributed worldwide. It also has shipyards for building tugboats and support vessels for supply-vessels (drilling platforms). Additionally, services for laying sealines (submarine pipelines) and installing offshore platforms can be provided with a fleet of barges, installation vessels, and diving support vessels.
The fleet of fast ships and crew boats of ROCA members operates worldwide.

Specialized contractors from ROCA can provide a unique turnkey product in Italy and globally, which includes aspects of safety, industrial hygiene, risk analysis, radiation protection, fire engineering, and environmental engineering.

AGNES HOLDING S.r.l. - P.IVA IT02746760392